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Traffic and travel advice ahead of south Belfast football match

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Road users are advised to anticipate some traffic disruption and plan for potential delays in south Belfast on Thursday, 24th October due to a football match between Larne and Shamrock Rovers.

The match will take place at the National Stadium, kicking off at 5.45pm. There are in excess of 5,000 supporters expected to attend the match.

Boucher Road is also a thriving commercial area and will be busy with members of the public frequenting the area.

Supporters and shoppers are advised to plan their journey in advance, ensuring they leave sufficient travel time as congestion is likely in the area.

A build-up of traffic is to be expected in the M1, Donegall Road and particularly the Boucher Road areas both before and after the game.

We would ask that those driving to the match park with consideration for local residents and businesses, and that supporters are respectful and considerate whilst walking through residential streets convenient to the stadium.

The areas around the National Stadium are ‘No Street Drinking’ zones under Belfast City Council by-laws and these by-laws should be complied with at all times.

We hope that the match is enjoyed by all and would remind those attending to behave in a manner befitting the reputation of their teams.



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