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National Hangover Day

New Year’s Eve parties often involve alcohol, and those who drink excessively may understand the need for National Hangover Day on January 1st.

History of the Hangover

Hangovers have been documented for thousands of years, with the first recorded mention dating back to 3000 years ago in the Susrata Samhita, an ancient Indian book on surgery and medicine. The hangover, referred to as “paramada,” was described as a condition that occurred after drinking and was characterized by symptoms such as headache, joint pain, thirst, and a feeling of heaviness in the body.

Throughout history, various cultures have developed their own hangover remedies. For example, ancient Assyrians used a mixture of myrrh and ground bird’s beak, while the Chinese drank green tea and Mongolians consumed pickled sheep’s eyes.

The term “hangover” itself is a relatively recent invention, first appearing in the early 19th century to describe unfinished business meetings. It wasn’t until 1904 that the word began to be used in relation to the aftereffects of excessive alcohol consumption.

National Hangover Day was created in 2015 by Keegan Calligar and Marlo Anderson of Bentonville, Arkansas as a way to celebrate January 1st and give people an excuse to observe a new holiday.

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