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Day: May 12, 2024

May 12
Appeal for information after a man has each of his ear bitten off in Antrim

Appeal for information after a man has each of his ear bitten off in Antrim Searching for a new home check out our property listings Detectives are appealing for information following an assault at a licensed premises in the High Street area of Antrim, shortly before 12.10am this morning, Sunday 12th May. During the incident, […]

May 12
Is It Too Far or Just Dark Humor? Examining the Incident at the Ireland–New York Portal

Is It Too Far or Just Dark Humour? Examining the Incident at the Ireland–New York Portal Searching for a new home check out our property listings In the wake of a viral clip depicting a shocking display at the Ireland–New York portal, questions arise about the boundaries of online interaction. Was the act of sharing […]


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